wir heiraten

Even the oldest peoples celebrated their marriage in a festive way. In the “Wir heiraten” magazine, bridal couples can find wedding rings to suit every taste, the latest bridal fashion trends, luxurious wedding cars and much more.

1 Zürch Oberland, rechtes und linkes Zürichsee-Ufer
2 Stadt Zürich, Zürich Unterland, Knonaueramt, Limmattal
3 Ausserschwyz, Glarnerland, Linthgebiet, Walensee, Sarganserland, Prättigau,Graubünden, Lichtenstein
4 Winterthur, Schaffhausen, Thurgau, St. Gallen, Appenzell
5 Zentralschweiz, Zug, Luzern, Nid- und Obwalden, Schwyz
6 Stadt und Kanton Bern, Wallis
7 Aargau, Solothurn, Baselstadt und Land

Publication frequency
Once a year in November

Print run 10’000 copies

Via registry offices, trade fairs and events, on request via stores.


Contact wir heiraten

We are available to respond to your questions or wishes regarding advertisements, marketing, or content.
Olaf Aperdannier
General Manager
+41 71 314 04 79
Igor Molinario
+41 71 314 04 91

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